Significant desire
My will and determination
The significant problem is
That I want
You to be my significant other.
The lovers
If you see me as a willing and conscious temptress
I can’t help it.
I know that I am providence
Offering to you
Through my imputed lapse
The way to arise ultimately.
I want you to try painting the pictures you have in mind.
Our mutual healing as the groundwork we’ve laid.
Becoming whole unto ourselves.
Many endings in the past
Everytime circumstance
Rendered apart
Lifetimes unfulfilled
This is behind us.
From where I stand I can only see the fight.
Do I continue to try to convince you?
And myself
This is all that is
Wholly wonderful.
Striving, wracking my brain
Trying everything
To be better, excellent.
Perhaps I am disingenuous
Vain and untrue.
Or perhaps I am skilled
Perfect as I am.
I exist in perfect conformity with nature
At its finest highest art.
And I believe you do too.
Aware of my nature
Aware of you
Faults, flaws, foibles
All recognized!
And besides
I want to join spirits
Consciously reunite our soul.
A grand hope that this would be ecstasy
Our perfect contentment
Fearing it to be merely comfortable.
If I have courage
I could gain your affections
Trust in our intimacy.
I won’t wait another moment
For our assured felicity.
Let me be struck by the swift arrows of love
Pinned together
Rather than split
Anxious and indecisive.